Effects of different kairomonal sources on the performance of Eretmocerus sp. near furuhashii against Bemisia tabaci on cucumber: II - in greenhouse
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Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Suez Canal University 41522, Ismailia, Egypt
Department of Entomology, South China Agricultural University 510642, Guangzhou, China
Centre for Sustainable Agriculture, Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University, United Kingdom
Corresponding author
Nasser Said Mandour
Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Suez Canal University 41522, Ismailia, Egypt
Journal of Plant Protection Research 2007;47(3):289-298
The effects of application of an artificial honeydew mixture of glucose, fructose and trehalose (GFT), honey and Bemisia tabaci nymph-extract as kairomonal sources in enhancing the foraging efficiency and performance of Eretmocerus sp. near furuhashii on cucumber plants were studied. Experiments were conducted in small greenhouses (4×3×3 m) using life table methods. Life table data indicated that the total mortality in B. tabaci immature cohorts in all treatments was in the order of fourth instar > first instar > second = third > egg > pupa cohorts. The tested kairomonal materials had a significant effect on the rate of parasitism (p > 0.0415) with 13.23, 9.04 and 10.54% higher than that of control in artificial honeydew of GFT, nymph-extract and honey treatments, respectively. B. tabaci egg/adult survival ratio was also significantly affected (p > 0.0001) by the tested kairomonal sources being lowest (22.91%) in nymph-extract treatment. Moreover, the tested kairomonal materials arrested significantly more parasitoids to colonize the treated plants comparing to control. Apparently, the tested materials were significantly effective in attracting the parasitoids up to 3 days after applications then significant difference was not found between treatments.
The authors have declared that no conflict of interests exist.
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