The present state of herbicide resistance of weed populations in the Czech Republic
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Crop Research Institute Division of Plant Health
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Jaroslav Salava
Crop Research Institute Division of Plant Health Drnovská 507, 161 06 Prague 6, Czech Republic
Journal of Plant Protection Research 2007;47(4):437-444
In 1985–2002 thirteen weeds resistant to atrazine were selected by a repeated application of triazine herbicides on arable land, in orchards, non-agricultural land and at railways in the Czech Republic. Recently Digitaria sanguinalis biotypes resistant to atrazine have been found at three railway junctions. Long-lasting application of the active ingredient imazapyr at railways caused selection of resistant Kochia scoparia biotypes. High resistance to chlorsulfuron has been discovered in five Apera spica-venti biotypes originating in winter cereals fields. The molecular basis of resistance to atrazine has been identified in the following weeds: Kochia scoparia, Solanum nigrum, Senecio vulgaris, Conyza canadensis, Digitaria sanguinalis, Amaranthus retroflexus and Chenopodium album. The resistance was conferred by a glycine for serine substitution at residue 264 of the D1 protein in all of those weeds. The resistance to imazapyr in Czech Kochia scoparia biotypes was conferred by a mutation at codon 574 of the ALS gene. Analysis of the results of DNA sequencing indicated, that the mutation induced a leucine for tryptophane substitution. There was excellent correspondence between the phenotypic resistance to herbicides of individual plants and the presence of mutations.
The authors have declared that no conflict of interests exist.
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