Effect of fungal metabolites and amendments on mycelial growth of Rhizoctonia solani
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Department of Plant Pathology, Rajendra Agriculture University, Pusa (Samastipur), Bihar, India
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Vibha S.
Department of Plant Pathology, Rajendra Agriculture University, Pusa (Samastipur), Bihar, India
Journal of Plant Protection Research 2010;50(1):93-97
A shift towards organic farming suggests amalgamation of organic resources against soil borne plant pathogens. The influence of metabolites of most ubiquitous Aspergillus spp., organic amendment extracts and their combined effect with Trichoderma virens were evaluated in vitro against Rhizoctonia solani. The minimum (36.1 mm) growth was attained by R. solani in co-culture with A. niger. The maximum (42.3 mm) inhibition of mycelial growth of the test organism was observed with culture filtrate of A. ochraceous followed by A. niger, A. fumigatus, A. flavus and A. terreus. Among organic amendment extractants, castor cake exhibited an additive effect on the growth of T. virens, however, the maximum (41.8 mm) suppressive effect on R. solani was observed with vermicompost. With the advance in time, the effect of organic amendment extracts increased markedly. Inhibition potential of culture filtrate mixturte of A. niger + T. virens and A. ochraceous + T. virens against R. solani was significantly higher in comparison to the other combinations.
The authors have declared that no conflict of interests exist.
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