Potential molluscicidal activity of the aqueous extracts of some plants and their powders against terrestrial snail Monacha obstructa (L. Pfeiffer, 1842) under laboratory and field conditions
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Department of Agricultural Zoology and Nematology, Faculty of Agriculture, Al‑Azhar University, 71524, Assiut, Egypt
A - Research concept and design; B - Collection and/or assembly of data; C - Data analysis and interpretation; D - Writing the article; E - Critical revision of the article; F - Final approval of article
Submission date: 2023-12-29
Acceptance date: 2024-02-23
Online publication date: 2024-06-03
Corresponding author
Hesham A. M. Ibrahim
Department of Agricultural Zoology and Nematology, Faculty of Agriculture, Al-Azhar University, 71524, Assiut, Egypt
Journal of Plant Protection Research 2024;64(2):158-164
- The toxicity of aqueous plant extracts and their powders were studied on clover snail.
- S. nigrum extract exhibited the highest mortality for M. obstructa in all methods.
- The contact technique of the tested extracts was the most effective method of application.
- Plant extracts were better than powders for controlling the land snail M. obstructa.
As it is known that the excessive use of pesticides causes many environmental problems,
the effects of four aqueous plant extracts and their powders [Solanum nigrum L., Withania
somnifera (L.) Dunal, Salix mucronata Thunb. and Lawsonia inermis L.] were evaluated as
natural molluscicides on the land snail Monacha obstructa (Family: Hygromiidae) under
laboratory conditions. Three different bioassay methods were used: contact, leaf-dipping
and bait techniques. The results indicated that, using all methods, S. Nigrum extract was the
most toxic extract for the terrestrial snail M. obstructa. The contact technique of the tested
plant extracts was the most effective method of application compared to other methods.
Moreover, using plant extracts was better than using powders of these plants for controlling
the terrestrial snail M. obstructa. In addition, the results indicated that the aqueous
extract of S. nigrum gave the highest percentage of reduction in the snail population when
assessed under field conditions. The obtained data showed that plant extracts were significantly
effective against the terrestrial snail and could be used as alternatives to pesticides in
integrated pest management.
Franciszek Kornobis
The authors have declared that no conflict of interests exist.
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