Repellent usage against rodents is almost not provided anymore. Permission to use many rodent repellent substances under European Union (EU) plant protection regulations has not been renewed in recent years. Some approval for chemical substances have not been renewed due to their toxicological properties, and for some biorational approvals have also not been renewed due to lack of financial support together with other concerns. Some other rodent repellent substances possessing accurate properties in a secondary way have also been withdrawn. Thus, the use of almost ten active substances is now illegal. The lack of support and the resultant orphan use may be explained by the relatively small market and possible business together with the expectations of modern substance application requirements. As a result, the opportunity to consider new biorational substances as candidates is therefore open. Plant based food substances are preferred candidates for plant protection considering their favourable toxicological characteristics. Capsicum oleoresin, a mixture obtained from two spice species (Capsicum annuum and C. frutescens), is one of them with appropriate repellent properties. An application under EU Plant Protection Product regulation has recently been submitted and may become a new repellent for biological control agent against seed predators.
The authors have declared that no conflict of interests exist.
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