PCR-RFLP method to distinguish Frankliniella occidentalis, Frankliniella intonsa, Frankliniella pallida and Frankliniella tenuicornis
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Interdepartmental Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute, Węgorka 20, 60-318 Poznań, Poland
Department of Biological Pest Control, Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute, Węgorka 20, 60-318 Poznań, Poland
Submission date: 2015-11-30
Acceptance date: 2016-02-14
Corresponding author
Arnika Przybylska
Interdepartmental Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute, Węgorka 20, 60-318 Poznań, Poland
Journal of Plant Protection Research 2016;56(1):60-66
Thrips from the genus Frankliniella (Thysanoptera, Thripidae) are phytophagous on crops and wild plants. Some of them cause slight economic damage, however, others including F. occidentalis and F. intonsa are responsible for considerable losses in crop production. Moreover, they constitute a double threat for host plants by not only feeding on them but also vectoring viruses, some of which are on the quarantined list of the European Plant Protection Organization. The rapid detection and differentiation between more and less harmful Frankliniella species is, therefore, important in order to combat the pests at the time of their appearance. In this study, we have undertaken to develop a method of detecting F. occidentalis, F. intonsa, F. pallida, and F. tenuicornis. The protocol is based on PCR amplification of ITS1 rDNA fragments of these insects using universal primers pair giving products of slightly distinct length for studied insects. Restriction enzymes digestion which is easy to interpret, allows for visible differentiation of all these Frankliniella species. The method was shown to be species-specific and sensitive. Even single specimens in either the larvae or adult stage could be distinguished.
The authors have declared that no conflict of interests exist.
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